Past PhD Theses
Browse names and theses by graduation year. If you are an alumna or alumnus of the program, please visit the Alumni Outcomes page to learn more about how to stay involved.
Jiaqian Yu
- Advocate: Feifang Hu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: A New Family of Covariate-Adjusted Response-Adaptive Randomization Procedures for Precision Medicine
Weixiao Dai
- Advocate: Scott R. Evans and Toshimitsu Hamasaki
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Patient-Centric Pragmatic Subgroup Analyses in Clinical Trials Based on the Desirability of Outcome Ranking (DOOR)
Muzhe Guo
- Advocate: Fang Jin
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Transparent AI Enhancements in Human Language and Agent Actions
Joshua H. Sparks
- Advocate: Hosam M. Mahmoud and Srinivasan Balaji
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Investigating Multicolor Affine Urn Models with Multiple Drawings
Yi Zhang
- Advocate: Lin Wang and Xiaoke Zhang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some Recent Advances in Subsampling and Active Learning
Jialu Wang
- Advocate: Feifang Hu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Covariate-Adaptive Randomization in Network Data
Zhou Yang
- Advocate: Fang Jin
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Explainable Learning with Meaningful Perturbations
Yu Xia
- Advocate: Hua Liang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Several Models
Xiaoyan Yin
- Advocate: Scott Evans and Toshimitsu Hamasaki
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials for COMparing Personalized Antibiotic StrategieS (SMART COMPASS): Design and Software
Yuhao Zhang
- Advocate: Adam Ciarleglio and Huixia Judy Wang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Missing Data in Classification and Functional Data Analysis
Fengyu Zhao
- Advocate: Feifang Hu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical Inference of Relative Risk and Hazard Ratio under Covariate Adaptive Randomization
Mengqiu Zhu
- Advocate: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some Research Progress in Generative Modeling and the Related Applications to Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing and Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data
May Al-Husseini
- Advocate: Qing Pan
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Joint Analysis of Adenoma Screening and Colon Cancer Risks with Informative Screening Times
Shuyang Gao
- Advocate: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: On Some Classes of Urn Models with Multiple-Drawing
Yufei Guo
- Advocate: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Evaluation and Prediction of the Association Consistency between Two High-throughput Two-sample Gene Expression Datasets
Bingqi Han
- Advocate: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some Research Progress on Generative Adversarial Networks
Xiang Li
- Advocate: Qing Pan
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Heterogeneous Block Covariance Model for Community Detection
Yang Liu
- Advocate: Feifang Hu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical Issues of Unobserved Covariates in Covariate-Adaptive Randomized Trials
Shunyan Luo
- Advocate: Fang Jin
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistically Consistent Interpretation of Deep Learning
Sam Luxenberg
- Advocate: Sudip Bose and Refik Soyer
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Adversarial Risk Analysis for Decision-Making in Sports
Rui Miao
- Advocate: Xiaoke Zhang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Advances in Functional Data Analysis and Reinforcement Learning
Wu Xue
- Advocate: Xiaoke Zhang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Methodological Advances in Causal Inference for Functional Daya and Survival Data
Mingze Zhang
- Advocate: Judy Wang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Copula-based Analysis for Dependent Count Data
Chen Chen
- Advocate: Yan Ma and Qing Pan
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Meta-analysis of Rare Events
Shiqi Dong
- Advocate: Zhaohai Li and Aiyi Liu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: On Combination of Elliptically Distributed Biomarkers to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy
Hongfei Du
- Advocate: Fang Jin
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Uncertainty Quantification and Adversarial Samples Detection of Neural Networks, and Single Reader Between Cases AUC estimator in Nested Data Problem
Yihe Huang
- Advocate: Yan Ma
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods in Missing Data Imputation for NIS Data
Xiang Peng
- Advocate: Judy Wang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Advances in Subgroup Identification and Expected Shortfall Regression
Grecio Sandoval
- Advocate: Ionut Bebu and John Lachin
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: On Cost-Efficient Designs for Clinical Studies
Lingzhe Guo
- Advocate: Reza Modarres
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Change Point Detection of Periodic Data
Yuan Gu
- Advocate: Colin Wu and Hua Liang
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Dynamic Conditional Density Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Data
Jinxi Liu
- Advocate: Naji Younes and Marinella Temprosa
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: A Joint Model for Survival and Longitudinal Data Using Shape Invariant Models
Shaobo Liu
- Advocate: Hua Liang
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Nonlinear Function-on-Scalar MINQE with Application to Genetic Heritability
Yan Liu
- Advocate: Zhaohai Li, Barry Graubard, and Kai Yu
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Associations via Integrating Analysis of Predicted Expression from Multiple Tissues
Mohamed Megheib
- Advocate: Sudip Bose
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Nonparametric Regression for Spatially Correlated Data
Peifeng Ruan
- Advocate: Hua Liang
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Advanced Statistical Models in Cancer Research with Omics Data
Arnold Saunders
- Advocate: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Random Recursive Tree Evolution Algorithms: Identification and Characterization of Classes of Deletion Rules
Xiang Shen
- Advocate: Hua Liang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Model Averaging of Several Semiparametric Models
Huan Wang
- Advocate: Qing Pan and Dechang Chen
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Development of Prognostic Systems for Cancer Patients
Liuqing Yang
- Advocate: Qing Pan
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Clustering Models with Applications in Gene Expression Profiles
Xiaoyu Zhai
- Advocate: Tapan Nayak
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Randomized Response Methods for Privacy Protection in Data Collection and Identification Risk Control in Data Release
Lingjie Zhou
- Advocate: Qing Pan
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Inverse Weighting Method with Jackknife Variance Estimator for Differential Expression Analysis of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data
Yifan Zhou
- Advocate: Feifang Hu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some New Advances in Covariate-Adaptive Randomization
Jichong Chai
- Advocate: Tapan K. Nayak, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Privacy Protection in Data Collection via Randomized Response Procedures
Didem Egemen
- Advocate: Riefik Soyer, Professor of Decision Sciences and Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Bayesian Modeling of Virtual Age in Repairable Systems
Zhikun Gao
- Advocate: Huixia Wang, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Automatic Shape-Constrained Nonparametric Regression
Jesse P. Jeter
- Advocate: Sudip Bose, Associate Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Novel Methodologies in Categorical Data Analysis
Fuyuan Li
- Advocate: Huixia Wang, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Copula-Based Analysis of Dependent Data with Censoring and Zero-Inflation
Xin Li
- Advocate: Feifang Hu, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Interim Analysis in Adaptive Randomized Clinical Trials
Yu Song
- Advocate: Reza Modarres, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Distribution of Interpoint Distances and Applications
Xiaoyu Cai
- Advocate: Zhaohai Li, Professor of Statistics
- Co-Advocates: Aiyi Liu, Senior Investigator, National Institutes of Health & Feifang Hu, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Using Proper Transformations to Improve Precision
Somak Chatterjee
- Advocate: Subrata Kundu, Associate Professor of Statistics
- Co-Advocate: Rajeshwari Sundaram, Senior Investigator, NICHD/DIPHR
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Joint Modeling of Multiple Skewed Longitudinal Processes with Excess of Zeroes and Time-to-Event Using a Shared Parameter Model
Jie Cong
- Advocate: Hua Liang, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Nonlinearity Detection Using Penalization-Based Principle
Wenjuan Gu
- Advocate: Dean Follmann, Assistant Advocate for Biostatistics, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Co-Advocate: Naji Younes, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Parametric and Semi-parametric Approaches to Estimation of Survival Distributions of Treatment Strategies in Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials
Yuan Li
- Advocate: Feifang Hu, Professor of Statistics
- Co-Advocate: Michael D. Larsen, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Hierarchical Bayesian Model for AK Composite Estimators in the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Cong Wang
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Analysis for Familial Aggregation Using Recurrence Risk for Complex Survey Data
Fan Wang
- Advocate: Feifang Hu, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Balancing A Large Number of Covariates via Covariate-Adaptive Randomization
Aotian Yang
- Advisor: Qing Pan
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Constrained Maximum Entropy Models for Selecting Genotype Interactions Associated with Interval-Censored Failure Times and Methods for Power Calculation in a Three-arm Four-step Clinical Bioequivalence Study
Cheng Zhang
- Advocate: Tapan K. Nayak, Professor of Statistics
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Identification Risk Control in Microdata Release by Inverse Frequency Post-Randomization and Its Impact on Data Utility
Hailin Huang
- Advisor: Hua Liang
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Semi-parametric and Structured Nonparametric Modeling
Biao Yang
- Advisor: Jonathan Stroud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Particle and Ensemble Methods for State Space Models
Li Cheung
- Advisor: Qing Pan and Hormuzd Katki
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Mixture Models for Left- and Interval-Censored Data and Concordance Indices for Composite Survival Outcomes
Wanying Zhao
- Advisor: Feifang Hu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Adaptive Designs Utilizing Covariates for Precision Medicine and Their Statistical Inference
Yarong Feng
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: On Fast Growth Models for Random Structures
Chen Chen
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Advances in Urn Models and Applications to Self-similar Bipolar Networks
Previous Years
- 2016
Liyi Jia
- Advisor: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Modeling the Correlation Structure of RNA Sequencing Data Using A Multivariate Poisson-Lognormal Model
Xing Chen
- Advisor: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Censored-Poisson Model Based Approach to the Analysis of RNA-seq Data
Panpan Zhang
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: On Certain Properties of Several Random Networks
Junchi Guo
- Advisor: Michael Larsen
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Improvements in Simulation, Convergence Monitoring, and Modeling of the Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Network Analysis
Brian Dumbacher
- Advisor: Michael Larsen
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Small Area Estimation in a Survey of Governments
Xian Sun
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Aiyi Liu
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Diagnostic Accuracy of Biomarkers with a Continuous Gold Standard
Joshuah Touyz
- Advisor: Tatiyana Apanasovich
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Novel Methodologies in Multivariate Spatial Statistics
- 2015
Quan Zou
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: The Generalized Relative Pairs IBD Distribution: Its Use in the Detection of Linkage
- 2014
Siyu Qing
- Advisor: Michael Larson
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Longitudinal Weight Calibration with Estimated Control Totals for Cross Sectional Survey Data: Theory and Application
Fanni Zhang
- Advisor: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Concordant Integrative Analysis of Multiple Gene Expression Data Sets
Mengta Yang
- Advisor: Reza Modarres
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Depth Functions, Multidimensional Medians and Tests of Uniformity on Proximity Graphs
Mohammed Chowdhury
- Advisor: Colin Wu and Reza Modarres
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Nonparametric Smoothing Estimation of Conditional Distribution Function with Longitudinal Data and Time-Varying Parametric Models
Bipasa Biswas
- Advisor: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical Analysis of DNA Copy Number Variation with Sequencing Data
Ruihua Xu
- Advisor: Yinglei Lai and Gang Zheng
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Analysis of Mixed Types of Traits in Genetic Association Studies and Application to Genome-Wide Association Studies
- 2013
Wenjing Xu
- Advisor: Qing Pan and Joseph Gastwirth
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical Properties of Biostatistical Methods for Correlated Processes with Application to Data Arising in the Legal Settings
Ravi Kalpathy
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Perpetuities in Fair Leader Election Algorithms
Jie Zhou
- Advisor: Zhiwei Zhang and Zhaohai Li
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Coarsened Propensity Scores and Hybrid Estimators for Missing Data and Causal Inference
Marinella Temprosa
- Advisor: John Lachin
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: An Imputation-Estimation Algorithm Using Time-Varying Auxiliary Covariates for a Longitudinal Model When Outcome is Missing by Design
Wenliang Yao
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Barry Graubard
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Estimation of the Area Under the ROC Curve With Complex Survey Data
Wanjie Sun
- Advisor: Michael Larsen and John Lachin
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Methods for a Longitudinal Quantitative Outcome With a Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Multi-dimensionally Censored by Therapeutic Intervention
- 2012
Anna Gordon
- Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: The Stochastics of Diagnostic and Threat Detection Tests
Sanaa Kholfi
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: On A Class of Zero-balanced Urn Models
Mei Jin
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Aiyu Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Group Sequential Designs for Intraclass Correlation Coefficients in Reliability Studies
Donald Bauder
- Advisor: Sudip Bose
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Bayesian Robustness in Finite Population Testing
Owen Martin
- Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: A Dynamic Competing Risk Model for Filtering Reliability and Tracking Survivability
- 2011
John Jackson
- Advisor: Paul Albert and Zhaohai Li
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Prediction Models for Longitudinal Binary and Count Data
Linglu Wang
- Advisor: Tapan Nayak
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: The Equivariance Criterion in Statistical Prediction and Its Ramifications
Haojin Zhou
- Advisor: Paul Albert and Zhaohai Li
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Prediction Models for Longitudinal Binary and Count Data
Tong Zhang
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Bayesian Analysis of Case-control Genetic Association Studies in the Presence of Population Stratification or Genetic Model
Samson Adeshiyan
- Advisor: Tapan Nayak
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Gaussian Phases Toward Statistical Equilibrium in Some Urn Models
Linglu Wang
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Gang Zheng
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Unification of Randomized Response Designs and Certain Aspects of Post-Randomization for Statistical Disclosure Control
- 2010
Anastasios Markitsis
- Advisor: Yinglei Lai
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: The Proportion of True Null Hypotheses in Microarray Gene Expression Data
Zhenyu Liu
- Advisor: Reza Modarres
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Triangle Test and Triangle Data Depth in Nonparametric Multivariate Analysis
Min Qin
- Advisor: Tapan Nayak
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some Contributions to the Theory of Unbiased Statistical Prediction
Mark Tripputi
- Advisor: John Kittelson and Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Use of Mediation in Designing Clinical Trials with Two Primary End Points
Dewei She
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Genetic Association Studies Using Complex Survey Data
Susan Warren
- Advisor: Karen Bandeen-Roche and Samuel J. Simmensi
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Evaluating the Value of Adding Diagnostic Symptoms Using Posterior Probability and Sensitivity/Specificity Procedures
- 2009
Hiroyuki Hikawa
- Advisor: Joseph .L.Gastwirth and E.Bura
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Local Linear Peters-Belson Regression and Its Applications to Employment Discrimination Cases
Lihan Yan
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Gang Zheng
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Group Sequential Robust Designs in Genetic Studies
- 2008
Mark VanRaden
- Advisor: John Lachin
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Cumulative Logit-Poisson and Cumulative Logit-Negative Compound Regression Models for Count Data
Ruththanna Davi
- Advisor: John Lachini
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Cumulative Logit-Poisson and Cumulative Logit-Negative Compound Regression Models for Count Data
Dalong Huang
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Effects of Contamination on Statistical Inference Using Sib-Pair Analysis
- 2007
Yu Shu
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Aiyi Liu
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Group sequential designs and inference of a medical diagnostic test with binary outcomes
Jiao Yang
- Advisor: Efstathia Bura
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical Methods for Estimating the Dimension of Multivariate Data
Philip Wilson
- Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: On the Utility of Reliability
Joshua Landon
- Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: A Problem in Particle Physics and its Bayesian Analysis
- 2006
Xiaowu Chen
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: AInference of Haploytepe Effects in Case-Control Studies Using Unphased Genotype and Environmental Data
Ainong Zhou
- Advisor: Giovanni Parmigiani and John M Lachini
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Bayes Factors Comparing Two Multi-Normal Covariance Matrices and their Application to Microarray Data Analysis
Konstantin Gartwig
- Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Asset pricing under parameter uncertainty
- 2005
Dennis Buckman
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Linkage Tests for Relative-Pairs with Incomplete IBD and Known IBS
Weiping Deng
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Mixture models and their properties for interval mapping of genetic loci affecting binary traits
Terrence Hui
- Advisor: Reza Modarres
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Bootstrap and likelihood based inference for ranked set samples
Barbara George
- Advisor: Kaushik Ghosh
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Bayesian Regression for Circular Data
- 2004
Jiaquan Fan
- Advisor: Kaushik Ghosh
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Short-term cancer incidence prediction with missing data
Costas Christophi
- Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Distances in Random Tries via Analytic Probability: The Oscillatory Distribution
Abeer El-Baz
- Advisor: Tapan Nayak
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some contributions to statistical prediction theory
- 2003
Pablo Bonangelino
- Advisor: Thomas Louis and John M Lachin
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Maximin Efficiency Robust Tests for the Focused Clustering of Disease
Jinyu Yuan
- Advisor: Joseph L. Gastwirth and Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical studies on genetic linkage analysis based on affected Sibships
Jade Freeman
- Advisor: Reza Modarres
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: An analysis of Box-Cox Transformed Data
- 2002
Yvonne Sparling
- Advisor: John M Lachin and Naji Younes
- Program: Biostatistics
- Thesis Title: Parametric Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data with Time-Dependent Covariates
- 2001
Xuejun Chen
- Advisor: Zhaohai Li
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: The estimation and asymptotic theory of multiplicative Frailty model
Christopher Moriarity
- Advisor: Fritz Scheuren and Tapan Nayak
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Statistical properties of statistical matching
Kimberly Sellers
- Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Vague coherent systems
Binbing Yu
- Advisor: Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Some problems arising in observational studies: Potential effect of selection bias and omitted variables
James Cantor
- Advisor: David Findley and Hosam Mahmoud
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Recursive and batch estimation of misspecified ARMA model
- 2000
Chenxiong Le
- Advisor: James Rochon
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Application of ARCH models to the analysis of longitudinal data
Jun Li
- Advisor: Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou and Sudip Bose
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: A stochastic volatility model for option pricing
Tirso Diaz
- Advisor: Robert Smythe and John Lachin
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Simultaneous testing and estimation of trend in proportion using historical data
Gang Zheng
- Advisor: Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Program: Statistics
- Thesis Title: Fisher information in order statistics and ordered randomly censored data