

Experts in statistical methodology and solutions
Balancing theory with practical application

Who We Are

Problem-solving through the use of methodology, data analysis and application of statistical concepts is critical to addressing today's real-world challenges in science, medicine, technology, business, public policy and more. At the GW Department of Statistics, undergraduate and graduate students are mastering the skills needed for in-demand jobs in data science, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and economic forecasting — to name just a few.

Drawing on faculty expertise and collaborations with Washington, D.C., think tanks and government agencies, the department delves deeply into theoretical and applied research. And our alumni are excelling at institutions ranging from the FBI and the National Institutes of Health to Fannie Mae and Amazon.

Statistics Info Session: November 20

Join us online for an information session discussing the field of statistics and the GW Master of Science in Statistics program.

Register to Attend


“I have only positive things to say about the Statistics program at GW. Statistics is a great major for anyone looking for a new and practical way to view the world.”


Nandhish Nuchina
BS '09

What We Offer


Spotlight on GW Statistics

(Left to right) Gina Adam, Ling Hao, Fang Jin and Arkady Yerukhimovich are advancing their fields with the help of NSF Career grants.

Fang Jin Receives Prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award

The National Science Foundation awarded four researchers at GW the federal agency’s most prestigious honor, which supports new work from junior faculty.